Secrecy, Mystery, and Privacy in Wicca

Recently, a friend texted me with the following question. Here is that question and my reply in more-or-less the text format of my responses. I have heard that the Gardnerian tradition is pretty secretive. Is this true, and to what extent are those details secretive? I can’t tell you, because it’s a secret! OK, seriously: The word…

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HFW: expectations

I've often said that Horizon: Zero Dawn is my favorite console video game. (My favorite video game is The Prisoner for the Apple II. It's no longer easily playable.) This Friday, the game's sequel Horizon: Forbidden West will be released. I'm excited! I've already purchased it, and it's already been downloaded to my Playstation. On Friday it…

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Isaac knew no boundaries

I recently received some photographs from 1997. They'd been sitting in my father's files for 24 years. This takes me back... Although I received my Ph.D. in particle physics in 1996, I didn't formally graduate from Columbia University until 1997. For the occasion, my mother Beatrice and her husband Bob flew from California to attend the ceremony.…

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The Wheel of Time

I started reading the Wheel of Time series about 30 years ago. I don't remember much about the plot. When I got to the third book, I felt that the author was spinning his wheels and didn't know how to finish a story. By the time I finished the fourth book, I thought, "Well, at least I'm…

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The Matrix Resurrections

A mini-review: The Matrix Resurrections assumes that you are familiar with all the previous Matrix movies. If you haven't seen them, this movie will be meaningless to you. The movie is filled with call-backs, flash-backs, and fan service. This is absolutely deliberate on the part of the director, Lana Wachowski, because... This is the most meta and…

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Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

The TL;DR version: After playing one of the best console video games I've ever played, unfortunately I followed it up with one of the worst. In writing about Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, I feel I must make comparisons to an earlier game based on the characters: Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Game. To spare you…

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