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Dragon eggs! The cats like to knock these off my bookshelves.

A letter about 3D printing

Dear Bill of March 2020, It's Bill of October 2023. How are you? Don't bother to answer. I remember. I've been meaning to write to you for some time about what's in store for you. I won't talk about the big historical events; Julie Nolke has that topic covered. Instead, I'm going to tell you about the…

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Star Trek: Resurgence

At the end of my review of Lord of the Rings: Gollum, I wrote: next video-game review will about a game based on a widely-known IP, with antique graphics, and even more glitches than Gollum. I loved every minute of it. Given my fondness for Telltale-style games, and my oft-unrequited love of Star Trek, it probably…

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This is another of my game reviews written long after a review would be relevant. Dredge is a fishing game. Like most such games, your main sequence of actions is to go out onto the water, reel in some fish, return to port to sell them, make improvements to your boat so you can fish better. Repeat…

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Memories of wargaming

For my gamer friends: While falling down an internet rabbit hole, I found this article on a history of wargaming. I recommend reading it, if only to learn about the rise-and-fall of an important segment of gaming. The article was written by Greg Costikyan in 1996. I knew Greg briefly in the late 70s or early 80s.…

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