900 Days of Klingon

tlhIngan Hol vIHaDtaH qaStaHvIS Hutvatlh jaj = I have studied the Klingon language for nine hundred days. This is a follow-up to my 800 Days of Klingon and my Two years of Klingon lessons essays. I still have the impression that the older, deleted form of Duolingo's Klingon course was superior. As I predicted, I've hit some…

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Am I overreacting?

Every once in a while, I wonder if I'm overreacting to the whole "potential for long COVID" thing by continuing my strong isolation. My primary-care physician definitely thinks I am. Then I see this: I watched Physics Girl on YouTube. Even though I'm a physicist, Dianna Cowern often asked questions that challenged me. I usually learned something…

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Watson Game Topper

This is a description of a game topper from GameToppersLLC. It's not meant as a review per se, but a tale of my experience. TL;DR: The Watson Game Topper is a great product, but I wish I'd spent more time thinking about its physical properties: size, weight, etc. Tables and toppers I'll start by stating the obvious:…

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Faire Dreams

I dreamed about the NY Ren Faire again last night. To be sure, this wasn't the first time. I've dreamt about Faire periodically in the years since I left it. What's interesting to me is that my "mental map" of the Ren Faire in my dreams has slowly changed over the years. The layout changes: a new…

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800 Days of Klingon

As a celebration of my streak of 800 days of learning Klingon, I've updated an earlier post I wrote on my two-year anniversary of daily Klingon lessons. The update includes a nice video about the language. I've also corrected a few errors. It may be the sort of thing that no one will notice, but knowing that…

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Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla wrap-up

Awhile back I wrote a review of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. I liked the game, though I felt it had its flaws. Since that review, I've played other games, at least one of which (Ghost of Tsushima) was better than AC:V. Yet, in the long run, it was Assassin's Creed: Valhalla to which I kept returning. Part of…

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Upgrading from Mojave: Keyboard, Audiobooks, etc.

About two years ago I wrote a series of posts on why I didn't want to upgrade the operating system on my 27-inch iMac. You've guessed it: I had to upgrade last October. That 2013 iMac was showing increasing problems, and there were software incompatibility issues that become too much to overlook. In this post, I'll review…

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