1111 Days of Klingon

qaStaHvIS wa'SaD wa'vatlh wa'maH wa' jaj tlhIngan Hol vIHaDtaH. = I have studied Klingon for one thousand one hundred and eleven days. Three Klingon-related posts in a row! However, there's more to this particular post than the alliteration of the digit "1": It may be my last post on Klingon. In other words, I've finished the Duolingo…

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1100 Days of Klingon

qaStaHvIS wa'SaD wa'vatlh jaj tlhIngan Hol vIHaDtaH = I have studied Klingon for one thousand one hundred days. The way our calendar works has gives me another milestone on the heels of another. Five days ago I celebrated three years of studying Klingon. Klingon was invented by a linguist who wanted to create an alien language. I…

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Star Trek: Resurgence

At the end of my review of Lord of the Rings: Gollum, I wrote: ...my next video-game review will about a game based on a widely-known IP, with antique graphics, and even more glitches than Gollum. I loved every minute of it. Given my fondness for Telltale-style games, and my oft-unrequited love of Star Trek, it probably…

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This is another of my game reviews written long after a review would be relevant. Dredge is a fishing game. Like most such games, your main sequence of actions is to go out onto the water, reel in some fish, return to port to sell them, make improvements to your boat so you can fish better. Repeat…

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