Murder Mystery Party – Which category are you?

I know it’s only been a week since I sent out my last post on this party, to be held on Saturday Dec 7. Normally I’d wait a couple more weeks before asking folks for information.

However, circumstances are different this time around. I have to make arrangements for the venue now. Believe it or not, it becomes more complicated because there’ll be fewer people than last time.

I didn’t make it clear in the invitation: This event will use another mystery from the same company that wrote the last one. These mysteries require a certain number of people for special roles. To fit everything together, I have to ask everyone something.

Before we get to that: the votes are in! The winner of the vote is “Formal Dinner / Costume Ball.”

With that in mind, I must ask your level of commitment to the mystery:

  • Category 1: “The show must go on! Neither daemons pouring from the gates of hell nor hosts of angels with flaming swords shall bar my way to the Ball!”

    People in Category 1 will receive key roles. One of them may be a tragic victim. One of them may be a foul murderer.

  • Category A: “Stuff happens. I plan to be there, but I can’t make a firm commitment.”

    If you choose Category A, you’ll be in a role that offers clues to solving the mystery. You’ll be missed if you’re not there, but we can forge on.

  • Category Alpha: “It’s hard for me to commit in advance. I might not even know if I can make it until a few hours before the party, or I could be late.”

    Those in Category Alpha will have auxiliary characters. If you can make it, you’ll be able to participate and provide more clues. Who knows? Your character might even be innocent of any wrong-doing.

Please let me know which category you’re in by next week: Tuesday, October 8.

From the last mystery party: Which of these people were in Category 1? Perhaps you’ll be one of them this time!

Since this is a public blog post, I’ll add again: This is only for my friends and those they’d like to invite to join them. If you’re not in my network of friendships, you’ll have to throw your own party. I hope it’s better than mine!

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