Mini painting wrap-up – Etherfields Wave 1

In my last post, in which I talked about shading Etherfields miniature figures, I ended by saying that I'd have to wait until the the weather got warmer and dryer before I could go outdoors and spray-varnish the minis. Then I discovered a varnish made for airbrushes. I applied four light coats to each mini, spaced at…

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More miniature-painting goodness: Citadel shades and washes, zenithal primes, and Etherfields

It's been almost a year since my last post on painting miniature figures. Therefore, I'm going to review the style of mini painting I use before I show lots of photos. I'll begin with why I started painting minis again. Etherfields Etherfields is a board game that I backed on Kickstarter. After a wait of about 1.5…

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Tainted Grail, the End of the Dwarves, Bugbear Warriors, and Colorshift

When I switched Wordpress providers, many of the pictures did not import properly. You may want to view the old site's post instead. Tainted Grail If you've been following the saga of my experiences painting miniature figures, you may remember that a big incentive was to paint the elaborate miniatures that I knew would come with the…

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Contrast Paints, a Golden Dwarf, and Contrast Medium

When I switched Wordpress providers, many of the pictures did not import properly. You may want to view the old site's post instead. This post is a continuation of a previous post in which I compared some contrast paints on my favorite test miniature, the Dwarf Brewer. More contrast paint colors In that post I separated the…

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Contrast Paints and a Metal Dwarf

When I switched Wordpress providers, many of the pictures did not import properly. You may want to view the old site's post instead. As I promised in an earlier post, here's a set of photos of my test work on painting Dwarf Brewers. I ordered about twenty of these miniatures via Amazon, and I believe those orders…

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Vindication of the Dragon at the Edge of Darkness

When I switched Wordpress providers, many of the pictures did not import properly. You may want to view the old site's post instead. With a title like that, you may think this post will be fanfic. Sorry to disappoint you, but it's another one of my miniature-figure painting posts. It's long, as usual, but this time its…

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Sundrop, tan zenithal, and contrast paints

When I switched Wordpress providers, many of the pictures did not import properly. You may want to view the old site's post instead. The new incentive This post continues a saga I began in an earlier post on the hobby of painting miniature figures. In that post, I described how I managed to paint the minis in…

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Painting Miniature Figures

When I switched Wordpress providers, many of the pictures did not import properly. You may want to view the old site's post instead. Portions of the following essay, the pictures in particular, have previously appeared in my Facebook feed. If you've read those status updates, the only reason to read this blog post is to immerse yourself…

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