Star Trek Into Darkness

Quick review: I just came back from seeing STID. Without spoiling: Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor. He has the range to portray villains: nasty villains, noble villains, tragic villains. He could be Sherlock Holmes, the Doctor, Moriarity, the Master, or Richard III. But he's not the villain for this film. That, plus plot holes you could…

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Lunacon 2013

I wasn't feeling well. I probably shouldn't have gone. But was I feeling a powerful case of cabin fever, and it was a chance to get another interview for the biography. So I went to Lunacon. this past Saturday. I'm glad I did, though I paid for it the next day. To my pleasant surprise, it was…

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20th-century Doctor Who

Edit: In the four years since I wrote this post, I've offered its link to many folks who expressed an interest in Classic Doctor Who. Over time, this post became a bit obsolete: The current Doctor Who series has increased its references to the classic series; previously "lost" serials have been recovered and are worth including. In…

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