Protected: Things are looking down… I mean up… er, down…

The surgery is complete. I'll know more tomorrow when I see the doctor and he removes the eye bandage. In the meantime, I have to keep my head down, face towards the floor, constantly. This is hard. It reminds me of one of the punishments in Dante's Inferno. I may have to keep doing this for 2-7…

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Protected: It’s set

Verdict: surgery. I'm going to have a vitrectomy of my left eye. It will take place on Thursday. After this is done, I have a good chance of recovering full vision in my left eye. It's going to be uncomfortable for a while, though. I'm feeling a bit lonely and isolated, but there's not much I can…

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I just came back from a trip to California to visit my mother. I had a medical emergency while I was there. I am so glad Nancy went with me. Without her, things would have been much more complicated. I'll arrange for more complete medical care during this coming week. One thing is clear: I can't go…

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