Smile and wave

This morning, I dreamed that I walked in the Merchants Parade at the New York Ren Faire. In the dream, I did everything I used to do: exhorting the patrons to smile and wave, giving out huzzahs to the merchants along the way. This is the first time I've had this dream. I didn't have it during…

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Protected: Butt-kicking

I don't like to write these medical status updates without something positive to include. I see far too many LJ posts from people on my friends list who post nothing but the unrelenting misery of their lives, with no hope. So I always try to find that element of hope to counter-balance and overcome the difficultly. I…

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Protected: Lies

I visited the eye doctor today. He told me my intraocular pressure was 21. This is good news. It means that I haven't had any episodes of high pressure in my left eye for at least two weeks, the longest stretch since I had the vitrectomy. It's a strong indication that my eye is healing. It's also…

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The past two days have been very hard. I was at my lowest ebb physical and spiritually. The pain from eye was constant. I learned the heard way that I've become physically addicted to the painkillers. Almost all my friends were busy this weekend, at festivals or trips or whatever. I thought I had no one to…

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Game day

Today a group of friends came over to play some games. We played Cards Against Humanity (twice!) and Settlers of Catan. It was the first time I played either one of those games. I enjoyed myself, though I won neither game. Good company, good games, good times. It was a healing experience. Once again, I thank all…

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