True steel – part two
In part 1 of this Argothald story, I talked about the game’s first players. In this part, I want to delve into how I designed part of the fictional world of Tala, the planet of the Argothald.
In part 1 of this Argothald story, I talked about the game’s first players. In this part, I want to delve into how I designed part of the fictional world of Tala, the planet of the Argothald.
I want to tell a story about Argothald. It’s a geek story. It spans 35 years and two worlds, one real and one fictional. There’s no moral, no point, no great insight to be had. It’s merely a story I wish to share.
It’s also long enough that I want to split it into three parts.
I know the holiday of Thanksgiving has its origins in colonial activities with a dubious morality at best. I know it's not a holiday celebrated world-wide, nor is it religious. Be that as it may, it's a holiday that's come to have a meaning that transcends its origins and the demands of a belief system. I had…
I hung with out with one of my Wicca students yesterday. She's incredibly pregnant, due in under a week. She looks just about ready to pop. You can see and feel the baby's feet move as he shifts around in her mother's tummy. It's an amazing experience. Mother and baby are both healthy. The baby may be…
If you’ve met me, you know that I like to wear colorful t-shirts. I typically pick up a new shirt at each festival or convention I go to.
What happens to the t-shirts when they wear out? It used to be that I’d just use them as rags. I’ve learned something else I can do:
My bookshelves were full of all the games I’ve purchased recently. The games had spilled over onto the floor, stashed in canvas bags so I could easily grab them to take to a friend’s place or a game night.
A friend of mine had a couple of bookcases she had to give away. They were the same style as the Billy bookcases I already had. I took action.
Remember that libation bowl I mentioned in my previous Shapeways post? Here's how it turned out. What I designed Material I chose What I got ceramic with pale yellow glaze
From 1993 through 2001, I was part of a close-knit Wiccan circle. That group remained stable, adding or losing only a couple of people, from its start to its finish.