Using Shapeways, part 2
Remember that libation bowl I mentioned in my previous Shapeways post? Here's how it turned out. What I designed Material I chose What I got ceramic with pale yellow glaze
Something more
From 1993 through 2001, I was part of a close-knit Wiccan circle. That group remained stable, adding or losing only a couple of people, from its start to its finish.
Using Shapeways
In a previous post I talked about using 3D programs to design jewelry. I’ve continued to play with using Shapeways to design and create rings. Here are a few examples of what I’ve done, along with some of the difficulties I’ve encountered along the way.
Lipp’s books
Today I received my copy of Deborah Lipp’s memoirs, Merry Meet Again. Full disclosure: Deborah was one of my teachers, and we visit each other for rituals, tabletop games, etc.
Protected: Circle
Tonight was the first time I was in a Wiccan Circle since my health problems began. At the start of the day, I was full of energy and looking forward to it. Cleaning my apartment took a bit out of me, but I still felt decent. By the time of the Circle, I was feeling low, with…
The past two days have been very hard. I was at my lowest ebb physical and spiritually. The pain from eye was constant. I learned the heard way that I've become physically addicted to the painkillers. Almost all my friends were busy this weekend, at festivals or trips or whatever. I thought I had no one to…
Retiring Berkana
I’ve been a rune-reader for a long time. In 1999, as a result of a contribution to the Goddess Brigid during an Imbolc ceremony, I started wearing a Wunjo necklace, which I’d made myself.