The End of My LiveJournal Blog
A lot of people consider blogs to be obsolete. I’m not one of them. There are ideas, essays, and discussions that can’t be expressed in short-form social media such as Facebook or Twitter.
A lot of people consider blogs to be obsolete. I’m not one of them. There are ideas, essays, and discussions that can’t be expressed in short-form social media such as Facebook or Twitter.
For about five years, I’ve used LiveJournal to post my meandering, over-footnoted, and over-semi-coloned thoughts. It’s also been an important tool in organizing my work on Isaac Bonewits’ biography.
When I started this LJ blog, I felt I should be anonymous. I picked a name of personal significance to me, crytolos, that would have no meaning to anyone who didn't know me.Things have changed in the past three years. Facebook has eroded the concept of internet privacy. Also, now I'm using my blog as an information-gathering…