Moments of Isaac

I've working on a biography of Isaac Bonewits. As a writer, Isaac apparently never threw away any piece of paper with his own writing on it, nor any correspondence he received. I'm going through boxes of his files, scanning what I can, before shipping the files to the archives of the University of California at Santa Barbara.Some…

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Lego Star Wars – Archived review

I know this one would probably be considered simple to the more dedicated console gamers. For me, it just about fits my abilities as a gamer: The puzzles are not too tough, the combat is usually forgiving, and most of the platforming is not more than I can handle. The game actually gets easier as you go…

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Argothald: The Missing Manual

It's official: I now have a chance to resurrect my old Argothald campaign. I've hit a snag. It's a big one. I can't find my old Argothald notebook. For me, this is no small matter. This notebook contained some key game notes. It contained the maps of the main "dungeon" (Ironmaw Mountain), the nearby town, and other…

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Today I received a letter from one of the servicemen to whom I sent books. It was my first confirmation that the packages I sent arrived at their destinations. It was a nice letter. It went over the categories of books I sent him, explaining how he appreciated each one. I was impressed; I hope he has…

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