
OK, troops. Everyone who doesn't have to pay a thousand dollars to get their car's air conditioner fixed, take one step forward. Not so fast, Seligman! "But Sarge, you told me not to step forward on Monday, for my last car repair!" Don't give me lip, Seligman! Now drop and give me two big ones! OK, this…

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Need microphone set-up for faint voice recording

OK, audio geeks, I need help and I need it fast.In one week, I go to the Free Spirit Gathering. I hope to do some voice interviews. The set-up will probably be people sitting around in a circle, from 10 to 30 feet across (I have no idea). I want to make audio recordings of my questions…

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Looking for…

OK, Internet, let's see what you can do. If you know how to reach any of the people listed below, would you please send me contact information or arrange and introduction? In connection with my work on the biography of Isaac Bonewits, I'd like to get in touch with Ron Wright. He was an editor of Gnostica…

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LiveJournal account name shift

When I started this LJ blog, I felt I should be anonymous. I picked a name of personal significance to me, crytolos, that would have no meaning to anyone who didn't know me.Things have changed in the past three years. Facebook has eroded the concept of internet privacy. Also, now I'm using my blog as an information-gathering…

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