A Witch Does Passover 2024… not!

As I idly clicked through the tag cloud of this blog, I realized that I hadn’t written my annual Passover post for 2024.

That’s because I didn’t host a seder this year. This what I wrote on Facebook:

It looks like my Passover seder is cancelled this year.

That’s good news. How so?

Over the past five years, it’s been cancelled due to illness or pandemics. This year it’s being cancelled because no one can make it.

As far as I’m concerned, that’s a nicer reason!

In 2024, Passover started on the evening of Monday April 22. I didn’t really expect many (or any!) folks would be able to take off a weeknight for a ceremony that goes on as late as my seders.

In 2025, Passover starts on the evening of Saturday April 12. I anticipate that will be a well-attended seder!

And if it isn’t…

It may be time to wrap it up. Passover is in the heart, not in a big meal of matzoh and chicken soup.

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