Electronics give-away

As I posted in my recent Twitter/Facebook status updates, I’ve finally indulged in a burst of rampant consumerism and purchased a Blu-ray player.  No, I did not buy it on credit!

With the purchase of this new toy, I took the opportunity to remove some electronics from my home theater system. I’m never going to use these items again. I know about Freecycle and whatnot, but I thought I’d offer to give them to my friends first before I gave them to strangers.


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The Journey Home

I spent the past week at the Free Spirit Gathering in Darlington, MD. I had a good time.

This time was particularly special for me because I camped with the members of the Wicca group I teach. I’ve camped with members of my "clan" before; people who either trained with me or were taught by the same teacher(s). This was the first time I camped with a network of folks whom I had brought together. It felt good.

Unfortunately, the journey home from Free Spirit was not so pleasant.

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I just spent three hours reorganizing my closets in order to make room to store my new yurt.I could have stayed at Vann's birthday party and watched him paint beautiful women all night.  As of noon the day after, he was still painting!   Meanwhile, I was hefting trunks full of old memories around.We all have to…

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Giving away my “wedding dress”

I mentioned in a previous post that I was having trouble giving away the suit I wore at my Ph.D. thesis defense.  I made an analogy with how some folks might treat their wedding dress: it’s something I was never going to be able to wear again, but it represented something important it my life.


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