Adoption Day

Warning: Cute cat pictures My cats, Jiku and Shuba, were born sometime in May 2021; Jiku was probably born closer to the 10th and Shuba probably closer to the 5th. I suppose I could just assign a birthday for them, the way I've done with my other cats. But I prefer to remember the day that these…

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Tom Swift, Strange New Worlds, Lost in Space: Minor media maunderings

As a result of consuming too much television, I have idle thoughts on some shows I saw recently. What all these thoughts have in common is my dissatisfaction compared to the source material. Tom Swift This is a new CW series. Like Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys, Tom Swift is based on a long-running series of books…

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Russian ancestry

I was going through some old papers (looking for my COVID vaccination record), when I came across my mother's genealogy. It turns out that my mother's mother's father, Solomon Kligfeld, came from the Ukraine. I'd known that my mother's family had emigrated from Russia. But of course, in the early 20th century the Ukraine was considered "Russia".…

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Leaving Twitter

No big deal. I rarely used it. It was fun to glance at a few things that some celebrities said, and occasionally there'd be a thread written by someone I respected. However, if I want to read a lengthy opinion, I'd rather read the essay in its entirety, like on a blog. (Looks around.) For example, the…

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Secrecy, Mystery, and Privacy in Wicca

Recently, a friend texted me with the following question. Here is that question and my reply in more-or-less the text format of my responses. I have heard that the Gardnerian tradition is pretty secretive. Is this true, and to what extent are those details secretive? I can’t tell you, because it’s a secret! OK, seriously: The word…

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HFW: expectations

I've often said that Horizon: Zero Dawn is my favorite console video game. (My favorite video game is The Prisoner for the Apple II. It's no longer easily playable.) This Friday, the game's sequel Horizon: Forbidden West will be released. I'm excited! I've already purchased it, and it's already been downloaded to my Playstation. On Friday it…

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