Warning: Cute cat pictures
My cats, Jiku and Shuba, were born sometime in May 2021; Jiku was probably born closer to the 10th and Shuba probably closer to the 5th. I suppose I could just assign a birthday for them, the way I’ve done with my other cats.
But I prefer to remember the day that these two came into my life: June 19, 2021. It was Adoption Day.

It was the beginning of their personal nightmare. They were under the control of someone who didn’t give them cat treats whenever they wanted, who didn’t do laser-play whenever they demanded, and (ultimate horror!) would sometimes have people come over to clip their claws. It shouldn’t be allowed!
When they were younger, they used to be in sync:

They’re bigger now, and the sink isn’t big enough for the two of them. Jiku still enjoys hanging out there, in the hopes of drinking from the faucet.

There was a time they could both fit on the original top of the cat tree:

I eventually figured out how to attach a larger top to the cat tree, so they could both still hang out there if they chose:

Among their hobbies are playing with boxes…

…hanging out on a window sill…

…finding exotic places onto which to climb…

…figuring out who is the alpha…

…and wrestling.
Alas, the days when they could both snuggle in my arms are gone:

But one can still fit.

I am so, so glad they chose to be adopted into my life. Shuba and Jiku both wish you a Happy Adoption Day!

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