Movie review – Satanis: The Devil’s Mass

A heart-warming, feel-good story about a poor-but-honest religious separatist named Anton LaVey who gets together with his friends to put on a show and save the local church. In a world where he’s treated by scorn and derided by neighbors, he rises up against injustice and…


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Mountain Lion is the next version of the Mac OS. From the Mountain Lion press release: "Gatekeeper is a revolutionary new security feature that gives you control over which apps can be downloaded and installed on your Mac. You can choose to install apps from any source, just as you do on a Mac today, or you…

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Something to remember

Wil Wheaton recently wrote a good blog post about self-publishing. I don't plan to self-publish Isaac's biography. But Wheaton's post reminds me that I'll need a content editor, a copy editor, and a layout designer for the book. If a publisher does not offer those services, I probably should find a different one. For those of you…

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Biography beginning

My Wiccan clan held its annual Bardic Circle last night, as it does every Imbloc. For those unfamiliar with the custom, in a Bardic Circle everyone is asked to offer some aspect of performance or creativity, in this case as an offering to Brigid in her aspect as Goddess of the Arts.

My offering was to read a description of the eclipse ritual at the Stonehenge replica in February 1979.


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Feb 26 1979 eclipse ritual

Please RT, share, forward, and distribute this post on your social networks, especially any pagan mailing lists, message boards, forums, and the like. I'm looking for people who were at the ritual at the Stonehenge replica near Maryhill WA on February 26, 1979, during the total solar eclipse. I'm trying to put together a description of everything…

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I recently had an insight connected with the biography: In order to give Isaac’s actions or opinions some context, it would be a good idea to include some mention of historical events, especially ones related to religion or paganism. For example, in February 1979, the month in which the big eclipse ritual took place at the Stonehenge replica, Ayatollah Khomeini took power in Iran.


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