
This past weekend I turned on my HBO subscription in order to watch Game of Thrones. It gave me the opportunity to binge-watch another HBO series, Westworld. I have mixed feelings about the series. As I'd heard, the show has a narrative complexity and messes around with the viewers' perceptions in an intriguing way. This sustained the…

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The Hollow Crown

There's a lot of good television becoming available right now (e.g., American Gods and Doctor Who). There's one more show that's a bit harder to find in the US that I'd like to bring to your attention. The Hollow Crown is a British TV series that presents Shakespeare's cycle of plays on the events that led to…

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A Witch Does Passover – 2017, part 2

After most of the day, I've finally recovered from last night's Passover seder. I'm glad it's my practice to take the day off following the seder. I didn't get to sleep until about 3AM this morning, and the food coma lasted into this afternoon. It was a small seder, only five people. Even so, the discussion was…

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The Colors of the Qabalah

I've just finished my first color design project for my Shapeways shop, Kickin' Wiccan. It proved to be challenging in ways I did not expect. My goal was to create a full-color three-dimensional model of the Tree of Life. For anyone not familiar with the Tree of Life, it's the best-known design from the Jewish mystical interpretation…

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List of movies that give me tears

I recently tweeted “Just finished watching “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Gosh, it’s dusty in here.” So here’s my list of movies at which I’m certain to tear up, no matter how many times I’ve seen them. For most, the big emotional reaction is at the end, but there are a couple of exceptions.


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