Uncharted: The Lost Legacy – Archived review

This is a "sequel"/DLC for Uncharted IV. Strictly speaking, you don't have to have played Uncharted IV to play U:LL; there are quick tutorial explanations for all the keypresses you'll need. As a practical matter, I think the game would be quite difficult without familiarity with the typical "tricks" needed to get through other Uncharted games; for…

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This is one of those "Oh! I just watched this incredible thing and I gotta tell you about it!" posts. If you're feeling a bit media-saturated and would rather just wait until the female Doctor is unveiled in the next Christmas special, I'll understand if you want to skip this post. So: Sense8 is the series that…

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Mass Effect: Andromeda – Archived Review

TL;DR: The gaming-review websites are right on this one. Full review As I continue my wowcation, I'm catching up on console games. I'm sticking to my resolution to play no game without a colon in its title. Fortunately, the game companies of the world do not disappoint in this quest. I'm going to aim this review towards…

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