Game day

Today a group of friends came over to play some games. We played Cards Against Humanity (twice!) and Settlers of Catan. It was the first time I played either one of those games. I enjoyed myself, though I won neither game. Good company, good games, good times. It was a healing experience. Once again, I thank all…

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The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen

It has come to our attention that the community of barbers and purveyors of leeches have grasped upon the noble name of Karl Friedrich Hieronymus, Freiherr von Münchhausen to describe a mental condition. Such actions merely reveal their own ignorance, not only of medicine, but of the behavior of gentlemen such as the good Baron. Therefore, if any member of the lower classes, those infused with a ill-conceived notion of their cleverness, or a Norwegian is heard to mutter the despicable phrase “Munchausen by proxy,” he shall be visited by Baron Münchhausen himself. That worthy shan’t bother with the formality of a duel, since clearly no challenge is needed when insulted in such a dastardly manner. Rather he shall use his remarkable display of swordsmanship (as complimented by none other than Empress Catherine the Great, whose offer of marriage the Baron once had the honor of declining) to enact such a skillful display of vengeance that the justly-chastised victim will be forced to spend two weeks looking for his trouser buttons.

Where was I? Oh yes. I am reviewing a game: The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, “A Game of Wagers, Wine, and Competitive Lying.”


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Arkham Horror

I love to play games. I don't mean the kind where you mess with people's heads; I mean the kind where you sit around with a bunch of other folks and everyone has fun rolling dice or playing cards or whatever. I play my share of computer games; World of Warcraft and Skyrim are my current pastimes. That's mainly as a substitute for face-to-face interaction, not in place of it.

Once a month, I have a game night at my place, on the third Wednesday of the month. I used to host a Munchkin game on that night; that evolved into playing Argothald. I'd like to play other games, but that would mean playing more often, which means finding more gamers.

Or perhaps I can make them. This is the first of a series of reviews of games I enjoy. If one of them sounds interesting to you, let me know and we'll see what we can arrange.


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