Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Game – Archived review

The last time I reviewed a Telltale game, I noted that it's debatable whether it was a game at all. Since then, I read a comic by Aaron Williams (my web-fu isn't strong enough to locate it) that suggested that Telltale games are nothing more than "Choose your own adventure" books with a graphics interface. I don't…

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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy – Archived review

This is a "sequel"/DLC for Uncharted IV. Strictly speaking, you don't have to have played Uncharted IV to play U:LL; there are quick tutorial explanations for all the keypresses you'll need. As a practical matter, I think the game would be quite difficult without familiarity with the typical "tricks" needed to get through other Uncharted games; for…

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This is one of those "Oh! I just watched this incredible thing and I gotta tell you about it!" posts. If you're feeling a bit media-saturated and would rather just wait until the female Doctor is unveiled in the next Christmas special, I'll understand if you want to skip this post. So: Sense8 is the series that…

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Mass Effect: Andromeda – Archived Review

TL;DR: The gaming-review websites are right on this one. Full review As I continue my wowcation, I'm catching up on console games. I'm sticking to my resolution to play no game without a colon in its title. Fortunately, the game companies of the world do not disappoint in this quest. I'm going to aim this review towards…

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Eclipse report – 21-Aug-2017

Watching this total eclipse was better than losing my virginity. (My apologies to the lady in question, but this is a technical post and I feel I must be completely accurate. Besides, at 2m 11s, the total eclipse lasted longer.) I traveled to Greenville SC to see the eclipse. (There will be a separate blog post about…

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Torment: Tides of Numenera – Archived review

The story is set roughly a billion years in future. Humanity has spread out to multiple worlds and dimensions; the world is littered with old technologies and magics. You are the Last Castoff, a body that was left behind when the Changing God abandoned your body to move into another. That's "Last" in the sense of the…

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A choice of steel

A few years ago, I wrote a blog post on removing plastic jewelry from my Kickin' Wiccan shop on Shapeways. My thoughts on plastic back then were: Photos of plastic jewelry can look cheap. It was not worth customizing jewelry (such as rings) in plastic because I wouldn't make enough money for the time I spent adjusting…

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When I discuss the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) with folks, I usually point them to the following three on-line comics: Obamacare Obamacare Follow-up Trumpcare These three comics go over the details of health insurance in the US, the problems that Obamacare was supposed to solve, how well it solved them, where there was room for improvement, and…

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