Three posts in a row about FB!
I shouldn’t focus on this so much. It’s not as if it’s Baldur’s Gate 3.
Anyway, I want to share a couple of memories that I’d like to preserve even after I leave FB in a couple of weeks.
Gem One
The first is another one of my inexplicable oddities. 14 years ago (as I write this), an acquaintance of mine (let’s call them E) posted the following:
I responded with one of my off-hand snarky remarks:
E responded to the snark. Back then, I got email notifications when someone responded to something on FB:
This tickled me, for some reason. I don’t know why.
It’s not as if it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever written (though maybe it is…). Nor is E’s response all that memorable in-and-of itself.
It also has nothing to do with E personally. I haven’t seen them in about 15 years. We chatted a few times at gatherings, mostly about organizational stuff.
There’s no mystical connection here. I’m a Wiccan. I’d know mystical if I saw it.
Yet somehow that comment struck a chord in me. It was such a memorable reaction on my part that I kept that email in my inbox…
…for 14 years.
Since I’m good about cleaning up my email, it’s usually been the only email in my inbox all that time.
The link in the email still works, for a wonder. Of course, it won’t work anymore once my account closes. I’ll probably just file the email away.
You know, 14 years is a pretty good track record for a random memory.
Gem 2
K is someone I knew from the LARP Mystic Realms. With one exception, I haven’t seen K in 18 years.
(That one exception? Would it kill you to look over my old blog posts? I know it might have killed me or K!)
At one time, K was bolder than I could be. In 2017, K posted this shortly after the murder of Heather Heyer.
As I promised in my comment, from time to time it proved helpful to K for me to remind them with that image.
The years pass, and neither K nor I are in a good position to be brave anymore.
But I still remember that moment when I could help someone out by capturing their special words.
“Why just those those two memories? How about this memory with me…?”
I guess I forgot. Contact me on BlueSky or Mastodon and remind me.