Kings of Ruin: Cat pictures

I recently received Kings of Ruin, the latest game in the Tainted Grail saga. Awaken Realms specializes in these large-scale narrative games that come with elaborate miniatures, and Kings of Ruin is no exception. Let's see what the cats think of it. Let's look at the game from the less-relevant human perspective. Narratively, Kings of Ruin is…

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1200 Days of Klingon

qaStaHvIS wa'SaD cha'vatlh jaj tlhIngan Hol vIHaDtaH = I have studied the Klingon language for 1200 days. In my post 1111 Days of Klingon, I said it might be my last post on Klingon. Obviously, it wasn't. In a "what the heck" mood, I decided to try the first lesson of "Section 4" in the Duolingo course.…

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