*Huff* *Puff*

Today I had to go to the drug store to pick up some prescriptions (alas, none related to my back problems). It was a five-minute trip by car, so I decided to cross my fingers and drive. I set up an arrangement of cushions on the driver’s seat. The last time I tried this (over a week ago), the result had been quite painful. It was still painful, and I wouldn’t want to drive more than 5-10 minutes, but it was not as bad as that last time. I’m healing. However, as I picked up my prescriptions and some groceries at the drug store, I started sweating and huffing and puffing. Of course. For the most part I’ve been lying down for the past three weeks. I’m out of shape, probably the worst shape I’ve been in my life, even though I’ve lost some weight during this convalescence. One ten-minute walk every day doesn’t change that. My spine is borrowing healing from my muscles. OK, but at some point I need to redress that balance.

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