Looking for…

OK, Internet, let's see what you can do. If you know how to reach any of the people listed below, would you please send me contact information or arrange and introduction? In connection with my work on the biography of Isaac Bonewits, I'd like to get in touch with Ron Wright. He was an editor of Gnostica…

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LiveJournal account name shift

When I started this LJ blog, I felt I should be anonymous. I picked a name of personal significance to me, crytolos, that would have no meaning to anyone who didn't know me.Things have changed in the past three years. Facebook has eroded the concept of internet privacy. Also, now I'm using my blog as an information-gathering…

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The interviews begin

After several months, and many long hours in front of a scanner, I’ve mostly completed copying Isaac’s files. It was a huge pile of paper, about thirty large boxes; apparently he never threw away anything he’d written or received. (It’s "mostly completed" because Phaedra still has some boxes of his unsorted papers in North Carolina.)


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