My lowest-rated games

After working for a few days on my review of Divinity Original Sin II, it occurred to me that I've written lots of video-game "semi-reviews'. I call them "semi-reviews" because I generally review a game long after it's been released. My opinion of the game becomes almost irrelevant. Then again, given the size and nature of my…

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Baldur’s Gate 3 – Playthrough 11 – Wrapping it up

Somehow I managed to get seven blog posts out of a single Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough. In my defense: When I add up the word count for all the playthrough 11 posts (not including this one), I see I've written longer posts for previous playthroughs. You may not believe me, but the reason why the posts are…

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Baldur’s Gate 3 – Playthrough 11 – Mods

If you hoped Bill would give up this Baldur's Gate 3 fixation any time soon, mods have dashed it. What's a "mod"? If you already know this, skip to the next section. (Unless you like to look at the photos, or bask in the cozy warmth of my writing style.) After a video game is formally released,…

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Baldur’s Gate 3 – Playthrough 11 – Bits and Pieces

No, this isn't my last post on my 11th playthrough of Baldur's Gate 3. There will be at least two more posts after this one. Honestly, I hadn't thought this particular playthrough was that memorable. But perhaps this is a natural consequence of my resolve to split up this "playthrough diary" into multiple parts. When I add…

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Baldur’s Gate 3 – Playthrough 11 – A Hireling’s Destiny

As I've mentioned before, this series of Baldur's Gate 3 posts are primarily intended to be annotated photo essays. That means taking photos. I knew how to take screenshots and video captures on my PS5, but I didn't know how to transfer them to my computer until I got a Playstation Plus account. I got the account…

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Baldur’s Gate 3 – Playthrough 11 – Romancing a Wizard

As I've mentioned in my previous BG3 posts, one of the goals of my playthroughs is to see what it's like to enter into a relationship with each of the available romancable characters. Of course, this allows me to see all the available sex scenes in the game. The relationship goal for this playthrough was Gale. In…

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Baldur’s Gate 3 – Playthrough 11 – Zapper Disaster

The "Zapper Disaster" turned out to be the defining moment of playthrough 11. In order to describe it, I have to break with my practice in these write-ups: I have to discuss some system-related stuff earlier than I would otherwise prefer. In my playthrough 10 write-up, I said I'd save the D&D-based details until the end. I…

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Baldur’s Gate 3 – Playthrough 11 – Break it down

I'm taking a different approach with this Baldur's Gate 3 write-up. As with my playthrough 10 write-up, my goal is to make things easier for whoever might be reading it. This time, I'm breaking the write-up into smaller individual blog posts. I've typically written one long post per playthrough. My goal, as with my massive post on…

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