
Who has two thumbs and a $4000 car repair bill? This guy! I don’t know if this will impact my ability to go to Free Spirit. I have to see if I can start getting into “saving mode” again now that I’m out from under my regular medical expenses.

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A Witch Does Passover – 2015

This year I organized my Passover seder at the home of Sabrina and Michael. This year, Passover and Easter fell on the same weekend. We wound up blending those two and the pagan holiday of Ostara into PassEastara. The seder went well. There were a total of 11 people there, making it one of the largest seders…

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Logically, I should write this today

It’s a general day of memoriam and memories of actor Leonard Nimoy. Here’s my Spock/Nimoy story. I was a science fiction fan from childhood. In third grade, a teacher loaned me a copy of Eleanor Cameron’s The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet. That book started my fascination with SF that continues to this day. I started…

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Fairway fall

Every year, my folks take me out to shop for clothing as a birthday present. We don’t do this on my birthday, because that would get us into crowded stores and parking lots due to holiday shopping. So we wait a month, until January, when travel won’t be so hectic. This past weekend my father drove us…

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Wicca and jewelry

Most of you have probably heard me talk about jewelry shop on Shapeways. Originally I started learning about 3D design and discovered Shapeways as part of a process to recreate a ring, precious to me, that I lost on my 53rd birthday due to my illness. Later I started to design other Wiccan and pagan jewelry and…

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Relationship models

A couple of weeks ago, I was hanging out with some friends who are in a polyamorous relationship. I was the only one there not part of that poly family. As we were sitting around chatting, I asked a somewhat personal question of one of the others. I acknowledged that it was personal, but I was still…

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Jews and Wiccans can get Christmas miracles too

Last week, my podiatrist was wrapping up his last work day before he went on vacation until after the New Year. Like most foot doctors, he has patients with chronic conditions that never seem to heal, despite his best efforts. That day was different. Every patient he saw with a chronic foot problem, even a couple with…

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Marketing with a forced smile

This is the last weekend of what will probably be the last of my <a href="">jewelry giveaways</a>. I'll go into the marketing and business reasons for that in a subsequent post. There's another reason why this will be the last giveaway: This kind of marketing requires a certain amount of callousness that I don't possess. <lj-cut>Perhaps "callousness"…

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A pre-apology to my friends

<p>Throughout my life, there’s one thing I’ve been unable to do: Get a group of people to do what I ask of them.</p> <p><lj-cut text="Read the rest of this entry »"></p> <p>This has most often shown up in my attempts to manage other people. Since elementary school, when I’ve been put in charge of a group of…

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