
I work at a physics lab operated by Columbia University. The lab buildings are located on a 57-acre estate once owned by wealthy Westchester families. In 1934 the estate was donated by the DuPont family to Columbia to be used as an arboretum. WWII brought changes to Columbia’s use of the property, and it became a particle-physics research facility in 1947.


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My work on the biography goes in cycles. In the past few weeks, I’ve mostly been on the low part of the cycle; I haven’t done much.

My interview yesterday with Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone invigorated my interest. After I spoke with them (and they’re fascinating people; be on the lookout for their books and workshops) I spent the rest of the day coding.


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This newly-discovered disease refers to the inability to keep quiet when you see someone else using using a device with a speech interface. What the device's user says: "Note eight dollars for lunch." What Siri hears: "Note ten dollars for lunch wow is that an iphone I've thought about getting one but Apple products are so expensive…

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Journey – Archived review

If you're looking for a combat challenge, a platformer that requires good twitch skills, or MP PvP extravaganza, this isn't it. This is a gentle game of exploration and light puzzle-solving. There's no combat, and you can't "die"; at worst you can get into a state in which you can no longer search for some optional benefits.…

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