After writing that long post on rolling a 46 in Baldur’s Gate 3 yesterday, I though it would be a long time (if ever) before I’d write a follow-up post on rolling higher than that.
I didn’t think it would possible that I’d beat the roll the next day.
The Goddess of Luck had other plans.
I rolled a 51!
Unfortunately, the game did not show me a graphic of a die with the number in the center. All I got was this:
Sometimes the die roll does not show up in BG3; I’m not sure why. However, I saw the “51” briefly flash by on the main screen. I confirmed it by looking at the combat log:
Here’s the zoomed-in version of the details:
I’ll refer you to yesterday’s post for most of the details. I’ll just note:
- This time I rolled a 19 on the die.
- I only rolled a 1 on the 1D4 for Mark of the Shifter from the Shapeshifter’s Boon.
- Even with a Difficulty Check of 20, I knew I was going to succeed. But in a “what-the-heck” moment, I had the party’s Bard cast Bardic Inspiration on Astarion. Given that the Bard was Level 17 (due to the Unlock Level Curve mod), that added +1D12 to the Ability Check. The Bardic Inspiration die rolled an 8.
So it was theoretically possible for me to have rolled even higher!
At this point in playthrough 12, I don’t think there are many more traps or locks for Astarion to tackle. But who knows?
Anyway, 51!